2008年5月29日 星期四

You'd Never Know 人不可貌相

In State of Zhao, there was once of sholar by the name of Gongsun Long. He was a vain man and thought highly of himself.

'' I don't keep company with people who have no talents,'' he told his disciples.

One day a man dressed in rags come up to him saying, '' Please take me as your disciple.''

looking the man up and down, Gongsun Long replied coldly, '' Tell me about your talents.''

'' Well, '' said the man, '' I have a loud voice which can travel very far.''

'' No, sir!'' they replied.

Gongsun Long took the man as his disciple. His other disciples were secretly laughing among themselves. '' What is the use of a loud voice?'' they sneered.

A few days later, Gongsun Long and his disciples had to make a trip to the State of Yan. They came upon a large river. However, not a boat was in sight except one lying on the distant shore.

Gongsun Long told his new disciple to prove his talent. The man gladly heeded the request and bellowed across the river. Very soon the boat was rowed over to ferry them all.

趙國有個學者名公孫龍,為人驕傲自負。他曾對弟子說 : 「我不會和沒有本領的人交往。」一天,有個衣衫襤褸的人,走上前對他說 : 「請您收我做徒弟吧 !」

公孫龍打量了那個人一番,冷冷地問道 : 「你有何本領 ?」

那人回答說 : 「我有一把洪亮的聲音。」 公孫龍問弟子道 : 「你們當中有沒有聲音宏亮的 ?」弟子回答說 : 「沒有。」

於是公孫龍收那人做徒弟。其他弟子竊竊私語,還暗暗的嘲笑道 : 「聲音宏亮有什麼用 ?」


